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  • 食品科学与工程领域高质量科技期刊分级目录第一方阵T1
刘含,刘晓燕,郭银萍,等. 刺梨多酚-海藻酸钠-大豆分离蛋白纳米复合物的制备表征及其抗氧化活性[J]. 华体会体育,2025,46(4):69−79. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024030108.
引用本文: 刘含,刘晓燕,郭银萍,等. 刺梨多酚-海藻酸钠-大豆分离蛋白纳米复合物的制备表征及其抗氧化活性[J]. 华体会体育,2025,46(4):69−79. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024030108.
LIU Han, LIU Xiaoyan, GUO Yinping, et al. Preparation and Characterization of Rosa roxburghii Tratt Polyphenol-Sodium Alginate-Soy Protein Isolate Nanocomposites and Their Antioxidant Activity[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(4): 69−79. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024030108.
Citation: LIU Han, LIU Xiaoyan, GUO Yinping, et al. Preparation and Characterization of Rosa roxburghii Tratt Polyphenol-Sodium Alginate-Soy Protein Isolate Nanocomposites and Their Antioxidant Activity[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(4): 69−79. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024030108.


Preparation and Characterization of Rosa roxburghii Tratt Polyphenol-Sodium Alginate-Soy Protein Isolate Nanocomposites and Their Antioxidant Activity

  • 摘要: 为了探究大豆分离蛋白(Soy protein isolates,SPI)与海藻酸钠(Sodium alginate,SA)、刺梨多酚(Rosa roxburghii Tratt polyphenols,RRTP)形成的二元复合物(SPI-SA、SPI-RRTP)和三元复合物(SPI-SA-RRTP)的稳定性与功能特性。以SPI、SA、RRTP为原料制备复合物,利用单因素实验和响应面试验优化制备条件。通过粒径、分散性系数(PDI)、Zeta电位、荧光光谱、表面疏水性、差示扫描量热仪、傅里叶红外光谱等分析手段对复合物进行表征,同时运用分子对接技术进行理论验证。结果表明,最适条件为SPI添加量为2.95%、SA添加量为0.036%、RRTP添加量为0.25%、pH为7.57,此时粒径为140.41 nm。实验上验证了理论结合。其中SPI-SA-RRTP三元复合物平均粒径(140.93±0.32 nm)、PDI(0.155±0.004)最小、Zeta电位(−31.06±2.20 mV)绝对值最大,三元复合物稳定性最好。相比于SPI和二元复合物,三元复合物结合紧密程度、亲水性、热稳定性、抗氧化性等都显著提高。本研究以期能使SPI-SA-RRTP纳米复合物广泛地应用在食品行业,为其应用提供新的思路和方向。


    Abstract: To investigate the stability and functional properties of binary (SPI-SA, SPI-RRTP) and ternary (SPI-SA-RRTP) complexes of soy protein isolates (SPI) with sodium alginate (SA) and Rosa roxburghii Tratt polyphenols (RRTP). SPI, SA and RRTP were used as raw materials to prepare the complexes, and the preparation conditions were optimized by single factor and response surface experiments. The complexes were characterized by particle size, polymer dispersity index (PDI), Zeta potential, fluorescence spectrum, surface hydrophobicity, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Molecular docking technology was applied for theoretical verification. The results showed that the optimal conditions were: SPI addition was 2.95%, SA addition was 0.036%, RRTP addition was 0.25%, pH was 7.57, and the particle size was 140.41 nm. The theoretical combination was experimentally verified. The SPI-SA-RRTP ternary complex had the smallest particle size (140.93±0.32 nm) and PDI (0.155±0.004), the largest Zeta potential (−31.06±2.20 mV) absolute value and the best stability. Compared with SPI and binary complexes, ternary complexes had significantly improved binding tightness, hydrophilicity, thermal stability and oxidation resistance. SPI-SA-RRTP nanocomposite can be widely used in food industry, and provide new ideas and directions for its application.


