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刘新平,田佳奇,王琳,等. 酿酒酵母L3蛋白酶对哈尔滨风干肠品质特性和风味的影响[J]. 华体会体育,2025,46(5):1−10. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024030358.
引用本文: 刘新平,田佳奇,王琳,等. 酿酒酵母L3蛋白酶对哈尔滨风干肠品质特性和风味的影响[J]. 华体会体育,2025,46(5):1−10. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024030358.
LIU Xinping, TIAN Jiaqi, WANG Lin, et al. Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae L3 Protease on Quality Characteristics and Flavor of Harbin Dry Sausages[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(5): 1−10. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024030358.
Citation: LIU Xinping, TIAN Jiaqi, WANG Lin, et al. Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae L3 Protease on Quality Characteristics and Flavor of Harbin Dry Sausages[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(5): 1−10. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024030358.


Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae L3 Protease on Quality Characteristics and Flavor of Harbin Dry Sausages

  • 摘要: 为探究酿酒酵母L3蛋白酶对发酵肉制品的品质特性和风味的影响,本实验探讨了不同添加量的酿酒酵母L3蛋白酶对风干肠发酵过程中的蛋白水解、脂质氧化和理化特性的影响,并利用气相色谱法-质谱法联用(Gas chromatograohy-mass spectrometry,GC-MS)技术和感官评定对哈尔滨风干肠进行了分析。结果表明,添加酿酒酵母L3蛋白酶能够加速风干肠pH的降低。与自然发酵的风干肠相比,随着蛋白酶添加量的提高,加快了风干肠的水分含量和水分活度的降低,同时红度值(a*)和剪切力显著升高(P<0.05)。另外,酿酒酵母L3蛋白酶降低了风干肠发酵过程中的脂质氧化程度。添加酿酒酵母L3蛋白酶后,风干肠中的总游离氨基酸含量增加,同时促进了风味物质的形成。感官评价结果表明,添加1.0 g/kg的酿酒酵母L3蛋白酶对风干肠的气味和鲜味的改善效果最佳,总体可接受度最好。综上所述,酿酒酵母L3蛋白酶对改善发酵肉制品的品质和风味具有积极作用。


    Abstract: This experiment aimed to examine how varying levels of Saccharomyces cerevisiae L3 protease impact protein hydrolysis, lipid oxidation, and the physicochemical traits of dry sausage during fermentation. The study also involved analyzing the quality of dry sausage using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and sensory evaluation techniques. The study found that S. cerevisiae L3 protease accelerated pH reduction in dry sausages. Compared with naturally fermented dry sausages, it accelerated the decrease in water content and water activity with increasing protease addition. At the same time, redness values (a*) and shear were significantly higher when protease was added (P<0.05). In addition, S. cerevisiae L3 protease reduced lipid oxidation during fermentation of dry sausage. With the addition of S. cerevisiae L3 protease, the total free amino acid contents of dry sausage increased, while the formation of flavor substances was promoted. The results of sensory evaluation showed that the addition of 1.0 g/kg of S. cerevisiae L3 protease had the best improvement in odor and freshness of dry sausage and the best overall acceptability. In conclusion, S. cerevisiae L3 protease had a positive effect on improving the quality and flavor of fermented meat products.


