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曾小峰,颜蜜,盖智星,等. 羊肚菌酶解工艺优化及酶解液挥发性风味物质分析[J]. 华体会体育,2025,46(4):147−154. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024030400.
引用本文: 曾小峰,颜蜜,盖智星,等. 羊肚菌酶解工艺优化及酶解液挥发性风味物质分析[J]. 华体会体育,2025,46(4):147−154. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024030400.
ZENG Xiaofeng, YAN Mi, GE Zhixing, et al. Optimization of Enzymatic Hydrolysis Process of Morchella esculenta and Analysis of Volatile Flavor Compounds in Enzymatic Hydrolysate[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(4): 147−154. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024030400.
Citation: ZENG Xiaofeng, YAN Mi, GE Zhixing, et al. Optimization of Enzymatic Hydrolysis Process of Morchella esculenta and Analysis of Volatile Flavor Compounds in Enzymatic Hydrolysate[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(4): 147−154. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024030400.


Optimization of Enzymatic Hydrolysis Process of Morchella esculenta and Analysis of Volatile Flavor Compounds in Enzymatic Hydrolysate

  • 摘要: 为优化羊肚菌酶解工艺,探究酶解液挥发性风味物质,研究采用响应面试验设计优化酶解工艺,顶空固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱(Headspace-solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,HS-SPME-GC-MS)结合香气活性值(Odor activity value,OAV)分析鉴定关键风味物质。结果表明,加酶量5000 U/g、pH6.7、酶解温度44 ℃、酶解时间2 h为最佳酶解工艺,此条件下水解度达34.11%;GC-MS分析共鉴定出挥发性风味物质23种,其中空白组17种,酶解组21种,酶解后风味物质含量增加了203.71%,醛类是最主要的挥发性风味物质,占整个风味物质的78.50%。进一步分析OAV≥1的化合物,空白组7种,酶解组9种,并确定异戊醛、苯乙醛、正己醛、苯甲醛、壬醛、芳樟醇、2-戊基呋喃、柠檬烯、萘为羊肚菌酶解液的关键风味化合物。该研究表明酶解可促进风味物质的释放,为羊肚菌的风味利用、调味料深加工开发提供数据基础。


    Abstract: To optimize the enzymatic hydrolysis process of Morchella esculenta and expore the volatile flavor compounds in its enzymatic hydrolysate, the enzymatic hydrolysis was optimized by response surface design, and the key flavor compounds were identified by headspace-solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC-MS) combined with the odor activity value (OAV). Results indications were as follows: enzyme addition amount of 5000 U/g, pH6.7, enzymolysis temperature at 44 ℃ for 2 h, the hydrolysis degree was 34.11% under the above mentioned conditions and a total of 23 volatile flavor compounds were identified by GC-MS analysis, among which 17 werein blank group and 21 in enzymatic group. After enzymatic hydrolysis process, the content of flavor compounds increased by 203.71%. Aldehydes were the main volatile flavor compounds, accounting for 78.50% of the whole flavor compounds. Compounds with OAV≥1 were further analyzed, including 7 in the blank group and 9 in the enzymatic group. Isovaleraldehyde, phenylacetaldehyde, hexenal, benzaldehyde, nonanal, linalool, 2-amylfuran, limonene and naphthalene were identified as the key flavor compounds in the enzymatic hydrolysate of Morchella esculenta. Enzymatic hydrolysis can promote the release of flavor compounds, thus providing data basis for the flavor utilization, the deep processing and development of seasoning for Morchella esculenta.


