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盛周杨,邹波,肖更生,等. 超高压联合DMDC和Nisin处理对杨梅汁贮藏期间品质的影响[J]. 华体会体育,2025,46(5):1−13. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024030494.
引用本文: 盛周杨,邹波,肖更生,等. 超高压联合DMDC和Nisin处理对杨梅汁贮藏期间品质的影响[J]. 华体会体育,2025,46(5):1−13. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024030494.
SHENG Zhouyang, ZOU Bo, XIAO Gengsheng, et al. Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure Processing Combined with DMDC and Nisin Treatment on the Quality of Bayberry Juice during Storage[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(5): 1−13. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024030494.
Citation: SHENG Zhouyang, ZOU Bo, XIAO Gengsheng, et al. Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure Processing Combined with DMDC and Nisin Treatment on the Quality of Bayberry Juice during Storage[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(5): 1−13. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024030494.


Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure Processing Combined with DMDC and Nisin Treatment on the Quality of Bayberry Juice during Storage

  • 摘要: 为增强超高压处理对杨梅汁的杀菌效果,比较了热杀菌(Thermal sterilization,TS)(90 ℃,5 min)、超高压(Hydrostatic pressure processing,HPP)杀菌(500 MPa,5 min)、HPP联合抑菌剂处理(HPP联合二烷酸二甲酯(Dimethyl dicarbonate,DMDC)处理、HPP联合乳酸链球菌素(Nisin)处理以及HPP联合DMDC和Nisin处理)对杨梅汁4 ℃贮藏过程中微生物数量、色度、花色苷、聚合色素、褐变度、总黄酮、总酚、挥发性化合物的影响。结果表明,单独HPP处理对杨梅汁杀菌效果有限,在贮藏10 d后,杨梅汁中菌落总数超过食品安全国家标准规定的100 CFU/mL。TS处理与HPP联合抑菌剂处理的杨梅汁,4 ℃贮藏40 d,微生物数量仍符合食品安全国家标准。在贮藏过程中,不同处理组杨梅汁的花色苷含量呈下降趋势,聚合色素、褐变度呈上升趋势,总黄酮、总酚含量先下降后上升,色差变化不明显,其中TS处理组贮藏过程中聚合色素、总花色苷、褐变度、总酚含量均低于HPP处理组和HPP联合抑菌剂处理组,而4组非热杀菌的杨梅汁各项指标无明显差异。在贮藏40 d后,各组挥发性化合物含量相比于未杀菌杨梅汁均减少,其中热杀菌组和非热杀菌组含量没有显著差异,但非热杀菌更好地保留了杨梅汁中芳樟醇(玫瑰花香)与2-戊基呋喃(蔬菜味青香)这两种积极风味物质。贮藏40 d后的热处理组总香气活力值低于HPP处理组和HPP联合抑菌剂处理组,香气损失较大。通过主成分分析(PCA),能够区分原汁、热杀菌组与非热杀菌组挥发性物质的差异性,而4组非热杀菌杨梅汁彼此之间距离接近,表明抑菌剂的使用不会对贮藏后期的杨梅汁风味产生明显影响。综上所述,HPP联合DMDC和Nisin可以提升HPP对杨梅汁的杀菌效果,延长杨梅汁货架期,且能较好地保留杨梅汁的品质。该研究结果可为杨梅汁的非热加工提供理论依据。


    Abstract: In order to enhance the sterilization effect of hydrostatic pressure processing (HPP) on bayberry juice, the effects of thermal sterilization (90 ℃, 5 min), HPP treatment (500 MPa, 5 min), HPP combined antimicrobial agent treatment (HPP combined with dimethyl dicarbonate (DMDC), HPP combined with nisin, and HPP combined with both DMDC and nisin) on microbial population, chromaticity, anthocyanin, polymeric pigment, browning degree, total flavonoid, total phenolics, and volatile compounds of bayberry juice during storage at 4 ℃ were compared. The results showed that HPP treatment alone had limited sterilizing effect on bayberry juice. After 10 d of storage, the total number of colonies in bayberry juice exceeded 100 CFU/mL, which violated the national food safety standard. The quantity of microorganisms of bayberry juice treated with TS and HPP combined antimicrobial agent still met the national standard of food safety after 40 d storage at 4 ℃. During the storage, the anthocyanin content of bayberry juice in different treatment groups showed a decreasing trend, whereas the polypigment and browning degree kept increasing. Meanwhile, the total flavonoid and total phenolic contents decreased first and then increased, while the color difference did not change significantly. The polymerized pigment, total anthocyanin, browning degree, and total phenolic content of TS group were lower than those of the HPP treatment group and the HPP combined antimicrobial agent treatment group during 40 d storage, and no obvious difference was observed among the parameters of the non-thermal-sterilized groups. After 40 d of storage, the content of volatile components decreased in all groups compared to unpasteurized bayberry juice, with no significant difference between thermal sterilization group and the non-thermal-sterilized groups. However, the non-thermal-sterilized bayberry juice better retained two positive flavor substances namely linalool (rose aroma) and 2-pentylfuran (green aroma). The total OVA contribution in the heat-treated group after 40 d of storage was lower than that in the HPP treated group and the HPP combined antimicrobial agent treated group, indicating greater loss of aroma due to thermal treatment. Principal component analysis (PCA) allowed the distinguishment of differences in volatiles among the original juice, heat-sterilized group and non-heat-sterilized group. And the four groups of non-thermal-sterilized bayberry juice were close to each other, indicating that the use of antimicrobial agents did not significantly affect the flavor of bayberry juice in the later stages of storage. In summary, DMDC and nisin can improve the sterilizing effect of HPP on bayberry juice, extending its shelf life, and better maintaining the quality of bayberry juice. The results can provide theoretical basis for non-thermal processing of bayberry juice.


