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叶佳丰,马晶菁,张雨瑞,等. 油茶蒲总黄酮大孔吸附树脂纯化工艺优化及其体外抗氧化、抗炎活性[J]. 华体会体育,2025,46(7):1−9. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024040151.
引用本文: 叶佳丰,马晶菁,张雨瑞,等. 油茶蒲总黄酮大孔吸附树脂纯化工艺优化及其体外抗氧化、抗炎活性[J]. 华体会体育,2025,46(7):1−9. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024040151.
YE Jiafeng, MA Jingjing, ZHANG Yurui, et al. Purification Process and Antioxidant,Anti-inflammatory Activities of Total Flavonoids from Camellia Oleifera with Macroporous Adsorption Resin[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(7): 1−9. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024040151.
Citation: YE Jiafeng, MA Jingjing, ZHANG Yurui, et al. Purification Process and Antioxidant,Anti-inflammatory Activities of Total Flavonoids from Camellia Oleifera with Macroporous Adsorption Resin[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(7): 1−9. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024040151.


Purification Process and Antioxidant,Anti-inflammatory Activities of Total Flavonoids from Camellia Oleifera with Macroporous Adsorption Resin

  • 摘要: 目的:探究大孔吸附树脂纯化油茶蒲总黄酮机制及优化其工艺,并对其体外抗氧化、抗炎活性进行评价。方法:采用吸附动力学和热力学分析大孔吸附树脂吸附油茶蒲总黄酮的机制,并通过华体会(中国)吸附对其工艺进行优化;通过DPPH、ABTS+自由基清除及5-脂氧合酶(5-lipoxygenase,5-LOX)抑制实验评价油茶蒲总黄酮的抗氧化及抗炎活性。结果:筛选得到的HPD400大孔吸附树脂对油茶蒲总黄酮的吸附符合准二级动力学模型,同时表现为热力学有利的吸热过程。经优化确定最佳纯化条件为:总黄酮一次上样量144 mg,上样体积120 mL,以1 mL/min流速上样;80 mL 70%乙醇,以4 mL/min流速进行洗脱,纯化得到的油茶蒲总黄酮纯度由原来的19.62%±0.84%提升至39.16%±1.50%。纯化得到的油茶蒲总黄酮对DPPH、ABTS+自由基清除的EC50分别为7.025、5.361 μg/mL,对5-LOX抑制的IC50为6.217 μg/mL。结论:HPD400大孔吸附树脂对油茶蒲总黄酮纯化具有优势,纯化后的产物表现出良好的抗氧化及抗炎作用,为油茶蒲的进一步开发利用提供参考。


    Abstract: Objective: The study aimed to investigate the purification process of total flavonoids from Camellia oleifera using microporous adsorption resin, as well as evaluate their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities in vitro. Methods: Adsorption kinetics and thermodynamics were employed to analyze the mechanism of total flavonoids adsorption on microporous adsorption resins, with the process being optimized through dynamic adsorption. Furthermore, the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of total flavonoids from Camellia oleifera were assessed using the DPPH、ABTS+ free radical scavenging and 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) inhibition assays. Results: The adsorption of total flavonoids from Camellia oleifera by the screened HPD400 macroporous adsorption resin followed the Pseudo-second-order model, indicating a thermodynamically favorable heat absorption process. The optimal purification conditions were as follows: total flavonoids were sampled at one time with a total amount of 144 mg and a sample volume of 120 mL at a flow rate of 1 mL/min; 80 mL of 70% ethanol was used for the elution at a flow rate of 4 mL/min, and the purity of total flavonoids obtained from the purification of Camellia oleifera was increased from 19.62%±0.84% to 39.16%±1.50%. The purified total flavonoids of Camellia oleifera obtained had an EC50 of 7.025 and 5.361 μg/mL for DPPH and ABTS+ radical scavenging, respectively, and an IC50 of 6.217 μg/mL for 5-LOX inflammation. Conclusion: The HPD400 macroporous adsorption resin proved to be beneficial in purifying total flavonoids from Camellia oleifera. The resulting purified products exhibited promising antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, offering valuable insights for the future development and utilization of Camellia oleifera.


